Smartfish – graphics and website update
Smartfish is updating its website. I was responsible for updating some blog images, designing website pages, and animate the banner elements for social media usage.
The 404-page design
I designed a 404 page, which shows the unfounded page. I designed the page with a clear layout and user interface, showing a banner graphic in the top and with a “page not found” phase. Without scrolling, users would clearly know what the page is. In addition, the CTA button showed on the page for users quickly jumping out from the error page.

Ads banner for Smartfish products displaying on its website
Below is the ads banner I designed for Smartfish alcohol product, using for banners in its website product page. The vodka is a watermelon flavor, so the banner color theme designed with a pick watermelon color, using color to attract users’ attention to the products itself. It turned out to reach out to the customers successfully and brought many sales increases.

Blog Images
I also designed four blog images for showing different blog topics. I designed those image based on the blog topics. You can view them in below.

I also designed and animate a stat for Smartfish to show their stats in its staff pages.
The animations are:

Before animate them, the graphics look like this:

The animated elements finally showed on its marketing website

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