Google Design Challenge


Project brief

Prompt: Your school wants to provide dedicated spaces for students to help them focus on their academic studies. Design an experience for students, professors, and members of the school community to reserve work desks/spaces in the library. Consider the experience of checking availability, reserving the space, and reporting any issues.



Due to the COVID, students don’t go to the library to study. Let’s assume this challenge is designed for the situation where students have regular and normal busy library study life (before COVID-19).





Understanding context


Comparative analysis

Existing Reservation System in UMICH




Understanding users


Users context

Who are the users of library reservation services?
What are the general use cases of students’ reservation space in the library?


Exploratory research

Survey & Persona





Empathize personalized experiences of user pain points


User journey



Solving problems with clear goals





Compile functions independently to reuse code


Functions modules



Strategically build functionalities cross-product line


Roadmap plan

I assume this app is going to implement. There is no technical constraint. AI technology is allowed. In order to build the app, smoothly integrates with Google software, building the 10 functions to achieve the MVP, I use the roadmap to track work. In phase 1, we can build the essential functions. In phase 2, we can consider building some advanced features, such as user profile, bookmark the library room, and we can explore reservation features to accommodate the needs of the professor and members of the school community






Communicate design with clear flows in features and technical jargon


User flow

I use the flowchart to visualize the steps a user takes to complete the goal. The user flow contains two main flows. First is the primary flow about checking availability and reserve a study room with the recommendations system. The secondary flow is the voice assistant function flow. While I was building the flow, I did user testing and I changed some tasks accordingly.




Quick translate high-level design concepts to tangible artifacts


Low-fidelity wireframe & scenarios


Scenario 1: on campus


Scenario 2: On the second day

“He receives a reminder on the phone 60 mins before the reservation starts while he is jogging in the park. After taking a quick shower, he decides to drive to campus. He opens the library space reservation app, checks the room location, and uses the navigation services to check road conditions and navigate to the locations.”

Scenario 3: In the reserved room


Build the testable design artifacts


High fidelity design

Due to the limited time, I built a high-fidelity design for some key screens.



Metrics tracks where the design needs to be better


Metrics plan



Design in confidence


Usability testing




Move forward and learn


Reflection/Open Question

Thank you for your time and reading!